Teachers and Admins could see individual students in a class and their proficiency level per standard and all the data on the skills per standard
Initial Sketching
This entire project was a practically a case study in progressive disclosure; we wanted to provide just enough of an actionable summary at each level of the report and a way for the users to dig deeper into the data if they wanted to.

For any given standard there could be lots of skills associated, or very few. We could have data on all the skills or just a couple. We needed a way to represent a students proficiency for each standard and give the teacher or admin a summary of each “knowledge and skill statement” as a group of standards in Texas can be classified by a “knowledge and skill statement” which can be grouped by “reporting category” which is organized by grade level. You can learn more about how we figured all that out and came up with an some organizational rules to work for all states in the Single IA for Organizing Standards case study.

If we were to put the student proficiency for a standard on a scale, what would that scale look like? What are other scales that they are used to seeing? How could we represent a scale that would also work with and not confuse our users with the current skill level scale?
These are all questions we looked to solve using research initiatives.

An evolution of my sketching, how it started…

…make just enough so use to learn something, then move on…

…all the way to the initial prototype.

Ideating on changes to the initial prototype of an overview section.

This is how it looks as of October 2023.